Saturday 8 August 2020


The following is an extract from the Pinchbeck Document (named after its first keeper)
A small fragment of vellum coloured veneer,  it is thought to possibly be the only written legacy of the Deadends but may in time prove to be  the product of a later living culture or even an ingenious forgery:

Deadend deadend deadend ended ended ended ended 
Deadend deadend deadend ended ended ended ended 
etc etc etc
Repeat to fade

The Deadends were recently excavated from a growing awareness that  psychic identity or Art is somehow trapped in a tomb of post-rationalised certainty. A certainty that is certain it can define the uncertain and so choses to view it from the wrong end of the telescope whilst scoffing at the uncertain's abilty to function beyond the certainty of the certain.

Who or what were the Deadends?

Sunday 19 June 2016

Rising Universe

Horsham's Rising Universe or The Shelley Fountain destroyed Father's Day 2016. Once again economic efficiency and good taste dictate useless progress. Banality is more efficient than awkward plurality via genuine singularity.

Friday 6 December 2013

Dawn Drawings

For the last six or seven years I have made a drawing every morning (after first writing three pages of stream of consciousness). A few hundred of these formed the basis of an installation called Howl of the Mounting Kin at the Hart's Lane Gallery in New Cross.Visitors were invited to peel away at the drawings layered on the wall. These are clearly a playful exploration of the futility of my own quest for the perfect automatic drawing but at the same time they honour the need for dialogue between the two modes of being which seem to come closest upon waking. Think of Bagpuss and Professor Yaffle in conversation. The waking or "enlightened" state is useful, for sure, but relied on in isolation it nullifies the life force - by which I mean that the objective point of view necessitates stasis. 
When Bagpuss sleeps all his friends go to sleep too.